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Fair Hill Primary School, Kinallen, Dromore


2022/2023 School Year

13th Dec 2022
P1 enjoyed some outdoor learning in the snow today! We wrapped up warm and practised...
12th Dec 2022
P7 made Victorian houses and worked out how to make transitions in ICT. This is part...
9th Dec 2022
A very Christmassy Day had by all the boys and girls in P6 and P7.
6th Dec 2022
Zac and his team mates competed over 6 Saturdays as a mixed primary team in the primary...
6th Dec 2022
We have been learning how to use balance scales to measure the mass of different...
6th Dec 2022
A programme blending nutritional messages with physical activity games!
6th Dec 2022
The boys and girls in P1 have had brilliant fun learning all about length! They started...
5th Dec 2022
We were very proud of our school choir who sang beautifully tonight at the Christmas...
5th Dec 2022
The children in P7 created a Victorian wallpaper based on the style of William Morris....