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Fair Hill Primary School, Kinallen, Dromore

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2022/2023 School Year

27th Mar 2023
Last Thursday the football team headed over to Cheney Park to take part in the fifth...
27th Mar 2023
P1 have been having lots of fun using BeeBot recently! BeeBot is fantastic for improving...
24th Mar 2023
Throughout the Nursery year our children work hard at developing a caring, sharing...
20th Mar 2023
All P7 children leaving Fair Hill in June 2023 were treated to a mindfulness workshop...
15th Mar 2023
Lots of classes enjoyed swopping toys today as part of Waste Week 2023. ? Swopping...
15th Mar 2023
Primary 7 have completed field sketches in the village and created their own maps. ...
14th Mar 2023
The pupils in P1/2 were set the task to create a picture using digital technology....
13th Mar 2023
Last week 2 football teams headed off to Annalong to take part in a South Down Football...
13th Mar 2023
P1 have been working really hard to master addition! During this lesson, they used...